Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Does your organisation need a Wiki?

Hot on the tail of blogging Wiki's are shaping up to be the next big collaborative tool in the workplace. Steve Rubel led me to a couple of interesting articles and a vendor (SocialText) that plays in the space.

If you don't know what a Wiki is, it is a collaborative space that allows anybody to change the document, this allows real time feedback and input. The article from the Seattle Times provides a great intro in a few hundred words. I have been using Wikipedia to help find information for several months.

Both Wiki's and Blogs can have a place in the corporate IT landscape, and it will not be long until your IT department wants to bring some controls in place for these technologies. Both are very easy to set up and with so many options for external hosting, and free distributions many organisations will have deployed them before the IT department realises.

I have moved from this site to my new home which can be found a www.specht.com.au

posted by mspecht @ 9/28/2004 08:10:00 am   |