Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Are you afraid to blog?

An interesting perspective on blogging from Michael Gartenberg of Juipter research. He talks about the differences in organisational culture and industry and how this impacts blogging. (thanks to Scoble again).

However having spent the last day and half at the People in Business conference and seeing the response to the SurfControl session I am now 100% convinced that HR has dropped the ball on this one, and in fact all internet acceptable usage. SurfControl have produced a white paper that states over 100 people have lost their job or been disciplined in Australia over the past 12 months for Internet or email abuse. This is an interesting figure, but what scarces me is that most HR managers have no idea about the technology or the damage it could do.

(Watch this space as there will be more movement very soon to help educate HR managers in Australia on this issue.)

I have moved from this site to my new home which can be found a

posted by mspecht @ 10/20/2004 03:32:00 pm   |