Indeed thoughts
Michael sees some flaws with the Indeed system, I however see the potential of their system, with some changes (which I guess could be seen as flaws).
Why only search jobs? Why not search the resumes that are on the web and delivery matched candidates to recruiters via RSS as a paid service.
Another extension of this would be to allow candidate to register themselves for free, post their resume (in HR-XML format of course) and then deliver matched jobs to the candidate.
What about the temporary labour market? What about adding the RSS feed into a system like eShift currently being used in Boston for nurses to bid on extra shifts?
I mentioned yesterday about the options for using the Indeed API for specific types of vertical market solutions.
These are few of my initial thoughts, I am sure there are many great ideas I have forgotten. I would be interested to hear from Indeed what their plans are and to see what feedback they have received from the marketplace.
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posted by mspecht @ 3/08/2005 08:35:00 am |
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